Matt Mercer

Advance Child Tax Credit Payments

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) was enacted as part of President Biden’s plan to help facilitate the United States’ recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill was signed into law March 11, 2021. The legislation includes the expansion of the Child Tax Credit (CTC). The expansion only applies for the 2021 tax year and is based on…

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Krilogy Financial

Investment Committee Report | July 2021

Stocks Hit New Highs as the Pandemic Recedes Last quarter, we discussed the strong start to 2021 as the market experienced solid gains. The second quarter continued that trend, with the S&P 500 rising to another record high. Throughout the quarter, COVID-19 cases substantially declined in the U.S. This, combined with a near-total economic reopening across the country, led a…

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Ryan Powers

Five Questions Every Investor Should Ask Their Advisor

How Are You Compensated and what fees should I expect to pay? It is very important to understand how your advisor is paid and to also understand your “all-in” cost of working with that advisor. Determine if your advisor charges an asset-based fee or if they receive commissions from placing trades in your account. Some advisors may receive both! Other…

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Krilogy Investment Report April 2021

Investment Committee Report | April 2021

Market Resiliency Leads to Solid Market Gains in Q1 We’ve often said that we believe in resiliency of the U.S., our economy, and the markets. The first quarter of 2021 was a shining example of why we hold this belief. Throughout the quarter, we witnessed several macro- and micro-economic surprises that resulted in increased market volatility compared to the fourth…

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March 2021 Investment Committee Report

Investment Committee Report | March 2021

Assessing the Market Crosscurrents As we prepare to welcome the energy and activity of the Spring season, we also appear to be at an inflection point of energy and volatility within both the stock and bond markets. We’ve recently experienced a period of high stock market complacency, thanks to historic fiscal and monetary liquidity. As we enter into a period…

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Krilogy IC and IAD Report - Q4 2020

Investment Committee & Investment Advisory Department Report | Q4 2020

Markets Complete a Historic Comeback in 2020 We hope this letter finds you safe and healthy. The most tumultuous year in recent memory ended on a high note for markets as the fourth quarter brought political and medical clarity. As a result, we experienced substantial market gains over the past three months which helped make 2020 a surprisingly strong year…

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Year-End Tax Planning Strategies

The year is quickly wrapping up, but there is still time to review your tax situation and identify opportunities that may reduce your tax obligation. The Krilogy Tax team has assembled a list of timely planning ideas for clients’ consideration at year-end. 1. Roth IRA conversions Pre-tax retirement accounts are a ticking time bomb, because their future tax liability grows…

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Tax Planning in an Election Year and Uncertainty

In the past 50 years, there has been major tax overhaul about every decade. If you were born before 1980 you might remember the highest tax rate was 70%! However, in the last few years we have seen three of the most substantial tax changes in recent history: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017, the Setting Every…

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Kent Skornia

Write it Down, and It Becomes Reality

Do you remember your Christmas list as a child? The extraordinary gifts? The barbie doll, bicycle, video game or a particular clothing item? Remember how much you wanted that gift? You obsessed over the present. Was I good enough? Did Santa get my letter? There was a deadline, and you would know on Christmas day if you would receive the…

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Krilogy Quarterly Insights Quarter 3 2020

Quarterly Insights | October 2020

A Historic Market Recovery We hope this letter finds you safe and healthy during these still-unprecedented times. 2020 continued to be one of the most unpredictable years in memory. Markets rose to new all-time highs in the third quarter despite a resurgence in coronavirus cases. Stocks rallied thanks to a combination of even more accommodative Fed policy, hopes for a…

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