Krilogy E-mail Communications Terms and Conditions - Krilogy | Wealth Management and Financial Planning
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Krilogy E-mail Communications Terms and Conditions

If you are not an intended recipient of this E-mail, please notify the sender, delete the message, and do not read, print, disclose, copy, retain or redistribute any portion of this E-mail. Krilogy Financial (“Krilogy”) does not waive any intellectual property rights in this E-mail. The access, copying, or re-use of information contained in this E-mail message by non-intended or non-authorized recipients is prohibited.

The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments (this “E-mail”) are for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities or investment products, an official confirmation of any transaction, an official statement, or as any other official statement of Krilogy.

Krilogy does not accept orders for transactions or other similar instructions by means of e-mail. If you wish to deliver such instructions, please contact your financial advisor.
The transmission and content of this E-mail cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we cannot represent that the information in this E-mail is complete, accurate, uncorrupted, timely, or free from viruses. We cannot ensure the security of information received via the Internet. Therefore, you should not transmit confidential and private information by means of e-mail.

Information in this E-mail is subject to change without notice and any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and may not reflect the views of Krilogy. Krilogy reserves the right to monitor, review and retain all electronic communications, including E-mail, that travel through its networks and systems (subject to and in accordance with local laws). E-mail sent and received by Krilogy is subject to review and/or disclosure to someone other than the recipient.

Recipients should seek advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in any securities or other financial instruments referred to in this or any other E-mail message received from Krilogy and should understand that statements regarding future prospects of these or other financial products may not be realized. There can be no assurance that any securities or other financial instruments mentioned in this E-mail could be bought or sold at attractive or advantageous prices through Krilogy, another party, or market participants generally.

Krilogy, its employees and financial advisors do not provide tax or legal advice. Clients should review their specific situations with their tax advisor or legal professional for information regarding the tax implications of making a particular investment or taking any other action.

If you do not wish to receive e-mail from Krilogy, please notify your advisor through responding back to the sender requesting removal.

Attachments that are part of this e-mail may have additional important disclosures and disclaimers, which you should read.